Getting There: The Buildout Continues

We’re well on our way to completing our new Nalata Nalata storefront on 2 Extra Place and wanted to share some progress photos we took to document the buildout. Here is our photo diary from the past month or so, highlights of which include the installation of our wood floor, the construction of our shop walls, and many, many trips to the hardware store.

In no way could we be doing this just the two of us. We’ve had many helping hands including my Dad’s, who has come all the way from Edmonton to direct the build out. He is well experienced in all kinds of construction, particularly retail spaces as this will be the 5th store he’s helped build for his children. Needless to say, we’re incredibly grateful for the help. When this baby finally gets up and running, we will celebrate long and hard! Knowing that a great deal of effort was put into the space from a lot of friends and family, the opening will feel that much more rewarding for us.

Can’t wait to set the first product on our custom made shelves! More about the amazing people behind our cabinets and displays next, plus an announcement about our opening date. Stay tuned! Nalata Nalata, 2 Extra Place, New York, NY, 10003… Coming soon.