Gift Guide Part 2 – The Super Mom and The Kid at Heart
Here’s part 2 of our holiday gift guide. The following are ideas for the Super Moms who need a bit of extra pampering and the Kids at Heart who add spontaneity and imagination to our otherwise habitual days.
The Super Mom

Uchino “Marshmallow” Face Towel and Hand Towel $13/$30 (*in-store), Hinoki Cypress Soap Box $18.50 (*in-store), Matsuyamayushi The Soap $14 (*in-store), Palm Fiber Body Brush $16, Hinoki Cypress Aroma Bath Flakes $10 (*in-store)

10¹² Square Twist Vase $240 (*in-store), Tajika Shears $42-$242

Michiyuki-Tou LED Paper Lantern $70 (*in-store), Wool Throw Blanket $77, Saito Magazine Rack $200
The Kid at Heart

Washi Paper Envelopes $12, Assorted Wood Tops $5/each (*in-store), Chisake Hanaire Tiny Wooden Vases $27/each (*in-store)

Tajika Copper Household Scissors $90, Futagami Brass Tape Dispenser $230, Futagami Brass Stationary Tray $70, Square Brass Paperweight $60, Rhombus Brass Paperweight $58, Triangle Brass Paperweight $56, Paperweight Set $150

Fort Standard Balancing Blocks $48, Fort Standard Marble Trivet $84, Jicon Porcelain Half Tilt Coin Bank $56
Check out our other top holiday gift picks here!
*In-store items can be found at our Manhattan pop up shop at 2 Extra Pl. until Dec.24th or inquire at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to ship your item anywhere around the world! Custom gift note options also available.