Guest Curator: Daniel Chmielewski

We’ve known Daniel for quite some time now. I guess you can say I’ve known him my whole life. Daniel is my eldest brother and also our latest guest curator!

Daniel, along with my other brother Arthur, founded the menswear store Haven. With their fourth shop opening very soon in Vancouver, they’ve had their hands pretty full! We’ve managed to catch up with Daniel on a recent trip back to Canada to visit his home in downtown Edmonton.

We’ve always admired Daniel’s ability to make time to enjoy the finer things in life. Whether that be testing out a new cocktail recipe, painting a mural, or crafting a book shelf, he always finds a way to create a harmonious lifestyle. During our afternoon visit, we made almond butter from scratch. It’s a simple recipe but it was the small act of taking a few moments to savor a nice homemade sandwich that made this occasion stand out. It’s this appreciation for a healthy and diverse style of living that makes Daniel worthy of being our latest lifestyle curator.

Haven first introduced Hender Scheme footwear to their shop a few seasons ago, so when Daniel also mentioned his love for the brand’s home products, we knew it’d be the perfect fit for Nalata Nalata! Check out Daniel’s latest curation of Hender Scheme’s home goods collection here and stay tuned for his unique product selections in the future.