
Stem Flower Shop
Delgis and Rado are the sweet couple behind Stem, our favourite flower shop in Brooklyn. Located in Fort Greene down the block from our apartment, it has always been our…

The Scout’s Video on Josh Vogel
Just wanted to share this amazing video by The Scout on designer, Josh Vogel, the founder of Blackcreek Mercantile & Trading Co. This short film was produced by Tom Ran…

The Newsstand at Lorimer/Metropolitan
Nestled in a nook at the Metropolitan station in Williamsburg Brooklyn, The Newsstand greets thousands of commuters at the intersection of the G and L subway lines. I must admit…

Architectural House Tour III: Glass House
We recently went up to New Canaan, Connecticut to visit Philip Johnson’s infamous Glass House, built in 1949. Unlike many beautifully designed homes commissioned by wealthy patrons, this 47 acre…

It’s all in the Details | Part I
Often what separates a good product from a great product is in the details. Before I began studying design, I never really noticed these distinguishing characteristics in items that separated…

Video: Balancing Blocks by Fort Standard
Brilliant video by Part & Parcel from Brooklyn for Areaware featuring our Balancing Blocks by Fort Standard. Love the animated sequences and the sound effects for such a playful object.

Father’s Day Gift Guide by ‘Convos With My 2 Year Old’
Have you seen the latest viral videos aptly named Convos With My 2 Year Old? They are hilarious! These videos have become quite an internet sensation over the past few weeks,…

Cold Spring, NY
Daytrips are always a nice way to get a break from the bustling city and to get your adventure fix in to rejuvenate for the work week ahead. So when…

Shaping the Kitchen with every Apron: Chatting with Hedley and Bennett
Until now, my only memories of aprons send me way back to childhood summer vacations at my grandparents’ house where I was forced to wear them while washing the dishes. They have never provoked much…